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Shawna has been part of the High End Used Furniture family since its humble beginnings. When the business first started, Shawna was home schooling three kids, remodeling her 100 year old Victorian home, putting a solid meal on the table for the family most every evening, and somehow still found time to handle a great deal of logistics and communications for High End Used Furniture.

While she isn’t as busy with the business as she once was, Shawna still works for High End Used Furniture as a business advisor and handles some of the overflow when we get busy. Her seniority and knowledge in the business still helps navigate High End Used Furniture’s direction today!

Shawna wants you to know… As a customer of High End Used Furniture, you are being taken care of. Problems are rare, but even if they occur, Shawna wants you to know that if you reach out to us, we’ll do everything we can to reach a swift and satisfactory resolution.

When Shawna isn’t working… Shawna loves to travel, listen to music, go to concerts, garden, and spend time with family and friends.

Are you coming to visit the Kansas City area?… Shawna recommends visiting the Kansas City Country Club Plaza while you’re here. Especially if it’s Christmas time.

High end used furniture

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