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About Karges

Karges Furniture

Karges Furniture has been in business since the 1880s when Albert Karges began to use local hardwoods near Evansville, Indiana to build American-style furniture. When his son, Edwin, joined the company after extensive travels in Europe, he brought with him ideas for unique and traditional European furniture designs that were not being created in America at that time. Those elaborately carved one-of-a-kind pieces separated Karges Furniture from the pack. The finishing touches, however, would leave the lasting impression that has brought Karges Furniture into the present day.

The Karges Finish

Edwin Karges did not just have ideas about the shape their furniture should take, he also developed a finishing process that is a marvel among fine furniture enthusiasts. Whatever wood is used, the Karges Furniture finish comes out with a piece that is artistic and full of dimension. It truly steps up the natural beauty of American hardwoods whether the piece is a simple dining chair or a stunningly unique and beautiful parquet top table.

Buy Gently Used Karges Furniture Online

Buying Karges Furniture online from High End Used Furniture saves you the time and hassle of finding and authenticating the pieces yourself. You could spend all of your free time searching through countless flea markets and antique malls and estate sales hoping to find what you’re looking for, or you could come to us! Our curators have already found and authenticated the pieces as genuine vintage Karges Furniture. That way you know you’re getting the quality and style you want, without having to jump through hoops to get it!

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