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Used Vanities & Dressing Tables

Vanities & Dressing Tables

About Vanities & Dressing Tables

A Charming Piece to Admire for Years to Come

Many vanities, also sometimes known as “dressing tables,” offer a beautiful and ornate focal point to your room. Besides their beauty, vanities provide truly unique functionality. Vanities combine the benefits of a table with a chest of drawers, providing storage that is elegant and easily customized to your style. It’s no wonder vintage vanities are a staple for people who want a functional and stately place to store and apply makeup.

A gorgeous vanity table in a guest room provides an upscale touch as well as a practical place for your guests to put things and ready themselves for the day.

Finding a Seat

No vanity is complete without the seat! The chair you pair with your vanity could be a low-profile bench or an ornate high-backed chair. The joy is in finding the perfect luxury antique to match your home and aesthetic. High End Used Furniture has a selection of vanities and seats that’s sure to please. You can also fill out our Wish List Shopper form if there is something specific you want us to look for.

High end used furniture

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