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Used Bernhardt Furniture Furniture

Bernhardt Furniture

About Bernhardt Furniture

Bernhardt Furniture

John M. Bernhardt founded Bernhardt Furniture in 1889 in Lenoir, NC. John traveled to Oregon at the age of 13 to pursue a career as a government surveyor, but over time, wound up coming back to his home to start a job in the logging and timber cutting industry. Eventually John invested in a sawmill, and Bernhardt Furniture was born. Still in production today, Bernhardt offers a wide variety of aesthetics, including: Traditional styles such as Louis XVI, Gothic Revival, and Queen Anne; European-Inspired Country French and Italian Provincial; Hollywood Regency styles such as Asian Chinoiserie and Chippendale; and Modern and Contemporary styles. Bernhardt creates quality pieces using the finest materials such as cherry wood, mahogany, oak, marble, and leather.

Buy Bernhardt Furniture Online

Finding a good selection of Bernhardt Furniture to purchase can be a challenge, especially if you can’t spend all of your time combing through estate sales or antique stores looking for them. Take out the hassle and guesswork by buying Bernhardt Furniture online from High End Used Furniture. We authenticate our pieces and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all items we sell. We have procured some of the most sought after Bernhardt pieces, including stunning traditional mahogany dining tables and chairs, china cabinets, and buffets. We also often carry pieces from the Hibriten and Bernhardt collaboration.

How to Style Bernhardt Furniture

As we mentioned above, Bernhardt Furniture encompasses a wide variety of styles from traditional through contemporary. While they can suit nearly any aesthetic, one thing is for certain: Bernhardt Furniture was not made to blend in! With stunning detailing, opulent upholstery, and one-of-a-kind finishes, Bernhardt will be a focal point of your room wherever it is.

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