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About Cresent

Cresent Furniture

In 1947, Charlie Tomkins founded Cresent Furniture in Gallatin, TN. Charlie believed in solid wood bedroom furniture that was made well, but without the costs of expensive marketing and overhead hiking up the prices of his furniture. Word of mouth reputation made Cresent the brand they are today. In a marketplace where the majority of furniture brands have moved overseas, Cresent Furniture is STILL operating out of Gallatin, TN, and STILL family owned today.

Buy Gently Used Cresent Furniture Online

Buying your vintage Cresent Furniture online from High End Used Furniture is by far the easiest and most convenient way to purchase. We do the hard part so you don’t have to spend your valuable free time searching high and low through estate sales or flea markets for the furniture of your dreams. Each piece you buy from us comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee backed up by a full product refund if you’re unhappy with what you receive.

Styling Your Cresent Furniture

Two words. Solid wood. That’s what you can expect without exception from Cresent Furniture. With beautiful solid hardwood maple, cherry, oak, or poplar selections, and master craftsmanship, you can’t go wrong for a long-lasting choice in most any traditional style home. The most popular Cresent styles include Chippendale and Queen Anne, so expect dark woods and graceful curvature along with the famous cabriole legs. Even a home furnished in a more contemporary style can benefit from a pop of tradition when it’s this beautiful.

High end used furniture

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