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About Tell City

Tell City Furniture

With their business starting in 1865, Tell City Furniture was one of the oldest furniture companies in America. The business was first named the Chair Makers’ Union and wasn’t changed to Tell City Chair Company until 1924. With a name like that, it’s no surprise to hear that the piece of furniture that truly set Tell City apart was their chair. At a time they were one of the most successful furniture companies in the world. Some of the earliest chairs they crafted were called Captain’s Chairs, Boston Rockers, and Splint Chairs. Eventually they expanded their line to include tables, buffets, china cabinets, and bedroom furniture. They are no longer in business today, but their furniture is still highly desired among both collectors as well as anyone who values a piece of solidly crafted American-made furniture.

Buy Used Tell City Furniture Online

Buying used furniture is an environmental and economical way to outfit your home with high end furnishings that have lasted generations. When you buy Tell City Furniture online from High End Used Furniture, you’re buying into more than 100 years of masterful furniture craftsmanship. We have 20 years of experience in the furniture industry and know how to treat these antique and vintage pieces so they arrive at your door as quickly as possible without being damaged. To top it off, we offer our customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Styling Tell City Furniture

One of our most popular styles of Tell City furniture are their colonial pieces, mostly made from the Hard Rock maple lovers of colonial furniture have come to expect. They also made furniture from mahogany and cherry woods. Tell City pieces are not for someone who wants ostentatious furniture. Function was the name of the game when they were designing their pieces. Solid wood dining and rocker chairs are carved with the type of fine details that lead to a comfortable sit, rather than the type that are going to draw your eye. The pieces, whether a chair or a china cabinet, are not entirely devoid of ornamentation, however. The beauty is subtle and welcoming and sure to elevate any space in your home.

High end used furniture

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