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Vanities & Dressing Tables

The History of Danish Furniture

Danish Modern furniture is one of the most popular eras in the country’s design. The timeless and classic pieces are commonly found throughout homes and businesses. The style of Danish furniture combines multiple elements that the country is known for.

Denmark is one of several countries that make up the Scandinavian region of Northern Europe. Other countries in this area include Sweden and Norway.

There aren’t a lot of raw materials that the residents of Denmark can access. This is especially true during the cold months of the year.

As a result, the natural environment that surrounds much of Denmark has had a huge impact on their designs. Most Danish furniture pieces are made exclusively of wood since that’s a material artisans could easily access.

Danish furniture design grew in popularity in the mid-1900s. The design elements you see in modern Danish furniture pieces were heavily influenced by the German Bauhaus school.

Many Danish designers drew on the Scandinavian tradition of functionalism. They combined it with modern design techniques to create a basis for their designs.

Early Danish Furniture Designers

Kaare Klint is a renowned Danish furniture designer and architect. He established the Bauhaus principles in furniture design during the 1920s.

His principles were well-known for pure and clean lines. The furniture pieces took the needs of the human body into account, such as providing adequate support for certain areas.

Klint continued the design tradition of opting for a highly-functional piece instead of one that was overly decorated. However, he maintained the warmth and beauty that had become synonymous with traditional cabinets from Denmark.

Mogens Lassen was another furniture designer who created pieces in the 1930s and 40s. He’s best known for using glass and steel in his pieces.

Danish Modern Furniture Is Art

While Danish furniture stresses the aesthetic appeal and beauty of a functional piece, it’s often regarded as artwork. Danish designers believe that furniture should be functional, useful, and elegant.

There is a reason Danish furniture increased in popularity. Hollywood actors, musicians, and other well-known individuals started purchasing their products.

Furniture manufacturers had started replicating the designs of popular designers. That helped jumpstart the interest in this style during the middle of the 20th century.

The materials used in this type of furniture are durable and attractive. Oak, teak, and other light-colored woods are the most commonly used types. Some woods are treated with special oils to reduce the wood’s yellow tones.

Plastic and metal are two other common materials used. The use of these items gives designers more flexibility with color and shape options.

Shop Our Selection of Premium Used Danish Modern Furniture

At High-End Used Furniture, our staff looks for the best-used Danish modern furniture available. We source pieces that are in excellent condition, ensuring you receive the best product possible. Our family-owned business has grown into a large organization that serves clients around the country.

Browse our online selection of curated used modern Danish furniture. You’ll receive your piece at your front door just a few weeks after placing your order.

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