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About White of Mebane

White of Mebane Furniture

The White Brothers started White of Mebane in 1881 and served as successive presidents of the company for 88 years. It was their vision to create a quality wood furniture product that would appeal to both Northern and Southern markets in the United States. They were one of the earliest companies with a goal of serving such a broad market after the Civil War ended. To reach their goals, they knew they had to produce only the best. They focused on craftsmanship and operated under the belief that treating their artisans and other employees well would lead to a greater success for their company, and it did. Like many other American furniture companies, the cost of producing eventually outweighed their profits and White of Mebane shut down production.

Buy Used White of Mebane Furniture Online

Buying used furniture is an environmental and economical way to outfit your home with high end furnishings that have lasted generations. When you buy White of Mebane Furniture online from High End Used Furniture, you are getting a truly rare and coveted piece of fine American-made furniture. All while shopping from the comfort of your own home! We have 20 years of experience in the furniture industry and know how to treat these antique and vintage pieces so they arrive at your door as quickly as possible without being damaged. To top it off, we offer our customers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Style Your White of Mebane Furniture

When it comes to furniture is beautiful and finely crafted as White of Mebane, you can’t go wrong with styling it. Many of the styles represented in our White of Mebane offerings hearken back to the traditional beauty of fine French and Italian furniture craftsmanship. In unexpected finishes like the stunning Old Bisque, the French Country style pieces will light up your room with their gleaming finish. For fans of darker wood, many Italian styles feature gorgeous flame mahogany in a finish that brings out the deep, purple-red beauty of the wood. Experience the intricate carving of the vibrant Spanish revival pieces or opt for the clean simplicity of their Asian inspired modern and contemporary pieces.

High end used furniture

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