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About S. Bent Brothers

S. Bent Brothers Furniture

S. Bent Brothers was established in 1867 in Gardner, Massachusetts, and closed in 2000. The high quality construction of their chairs made S. Bent Brothers a well-known name in the furniture world. Their Windsor style chairs and Colonial Revival lines were their most popular products. In addition to making home furniture. S. Bent Brothers produced a great deal of institutional furniture, such as alumni chairs. Up until they closed, S. Bent Brothers was still producing furniture much the same way they had been for 100 years, with quality craftsmanship of dedicated artisans. They even continued to purchase their wood from local loggers.

Buy Used S. Bent Brothers Online

S. Bent Brothers was in business for a long time, so there are a lot of their products out there. However, it isn’t always easy to find the antique and vintage pieces you’re looking for because their products are the type that become family heirlooms. The solid construction means they last generations. Buy used S. Bent Brothers online from High End Used Furniture and you’re making an investment into a piece that could be passed down in your family. Plus, it comes with our 100% satisfaction guarantee so you can rest easy that you will be happy with your purchase.

Styling S. Bent Brothers

The style S. Bent Brothers is most known for is their Colonial Revival furniture. Colonial Revival hearkens to refinement and delicate details. For a full Colonial Revival space you would want soft colors and a lack of clutter. The beauty in Colonial Revival is in the framework and construction of the pieces themselves, not in how they can be dressed up. Let the furniture speak for itself. That said, we always encourage customers to explore their own style. Pair intricate Colonial Revival S. Bent Brothers chairs with a bold modern dining table or enjoy relaxing in a solid Hard Rock maple rocking chair among your contemporary living room.

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