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About Mastercraft

Mastercraft Furniture

Furniture designer William Doezema and his brother Charles founded Mastercraft Furniture in 1946 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As one of many other American furniture companies that got their start around that time, the brothers knew they would need something to set their furniture line apart from the rest. They chose to pursue designing traditional style furniture in a way that no one had seen before. They used exotic woods such as amboyna burlwood and Zebrano wood, along with more traditional hardwoods such as mahogany and walnut. They also incorporated a great deal of solid brass in their bold designs.

Buy Used Mastercraft Furniture Online

For some people, hunting down elusive pieces of vintage furniture is a fun hobby. For others, convenience is the name of the game. When you buy gently used Mastercraft Furniture online from High End Used Furniture, you’re acquiring an amazing piece of vintage furniture without having to do the legwork. You can trust that the Mastercraft furniture you buy from us is genuine, because we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Styling Your Mastercraft Furniture

If you want a piece of furniture to blend quietly into your decor, Mastercraft probably is not the brand for you. Mastercraft Furniture is bold and beautiful and meant to be seen. The unique beauty of any Mastercraft piece will entrance everyone who steps into the room. Our collection includes many pieces in the stunning Italian Provincial Style. This line features a light finish that truly shows off the exotic patterned wood. A set of opulently upholstered dining chairs will enhance any dining room, or they could truly set apart a cute breakfast nook. A dresser or china cabinet will immediately be a focal point wherever they are placed.

High end used furniture

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