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Beds & Headboards

About Kittinger

Kittinger Furniture Company

Kittinger Furniture began back in 1866, making it one of the oldest furniture companies still in existence today. The company began under the ownership of George and Oliver Colie in Buffalo, NY. First they made paper, but shortly after began to manufacture upholstered furniture. They opened their first furniture plant in 1885 where hand-crafted traditional style furniture was made. George’s son-in-law Irvine J. Kittinger eventually took over and it became known as the Kittinger Furniture Company. His main focus was not on profit, but on providing Americans with quality furniture. Over the years the company had various owners, but now it is owned by Ray and Karen Bialkowski, who have expanded the company while retaining their commitment to hand-crafted furniture made to order. Kittinger Furniture is well-known because many of their pieces are in the White House.

Buy Used Kittinger Furniture Online

As with any other company that is still in business today, it can be challenging to find the vintage or antique pieces you truly want. Something could seem like an authentic antique, but it’s actually just a well-made recreation. While the quality of their pieces today is just as solid as their older products, there is simply something special about owning a piece of history. Our expert curators work to find beautiful, genuine pieces of Kittinger furniture. Each piece we sell comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Styling Kittinger Furniture

Kittinger Furniture has made furniture for more than 100 years so there are an array of styles reflected in their products. Most of their earliest pieces were in the traditional styles such as Queen Anne. Over the years they developed to produce many beloved mid-century modern styles that used some traditions of the older styles of furniture. Whether you’re a fan of clean lines or graceful curves, straight legs or classic cabriole legs—there’s probably a Kittinger piece to suit your tastes.

High end used furniture

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