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About Kincaid

Kincaid Furniture Company

Kincaid Furniture Company began in 1946 with J. Wade Kincaid’s philosophy that they should build wood furniture in its most natural form, meaning with solid wood construction. He had gone from working for a small North Carolina furniture company to buying his own grocery store. Then he realized furniture was where his passion lay. In the beginning they made mostly solid wood cedar chests and wardrobes. The focus was on providing value through time-tested methods of solid wood construction, including English dove-tail drawer construction and joinery techniques like mortise and tenon, tongue and groove, pegged tenon, and floating panel and top. While the company was eventually purchased by La-Z-Boy Incorporated, the Kincaid name remains and many employees’ families have been with Kincaid for generations.

Buy Vintage Kincaid Furniture Online

Since Kincaid is still in business today, that makes it more challenging to know whether the Kincaid product you’re looking at is actually vintage or if it’s simply a modern recreation. For those who have their eye on pieces from Kincaid’s early lines, buying online from High End Used Furniture is a fast and simple way of ensuring you get exactly what you want. We have a broad selection of early Kincaid pieces, all authenticated and ready to take their place in your home. You can trust our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Styling Kincaid Furniture

Our selection of Kincaid Furniture includes a variety of beautiful oak and cherry traditional style pieces. Most feature a dark finish that gleams yet allows the natural graining of the wood to show through. Styling your Kincaid furniture is especially easy considering the variety of products they have produced over the years. You could have an entire room dedicated to Kincaid with bookcases, sofa tables, china cabinets, traditional armoires, and so much more. If you’d rather, you can blend these pieces beautifully into existing decor as their elegant and timeless construction complements so many styles.

High end used furniture

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