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About Hickory Chair

Hickory Chair is More Than Chairs

For more than 100 years, Hickory Chair Furniture Company has been producing beautiful, customized pieces of solidly crafted furniture. Sustainable, high-end craftsmanship has been a hallmark of Hickory Chair pieces for all of those years. Hickory Chair Furniture Company is one of just a handful of long-lived American furniture companies still in operation today. Management and ownership have changed over time, but people can still buy new pieces of Hickory Chair Furniture.

Buy Gently Used Hickory Chair Furniture Online

When you buy a piece of antique or vintage Hickory Chair Furniture online from High End Used Furniture, you know you’re buying a quality piece of American history. We’ve already done the work of finding and verifying the authenticity of the pieces, so all you have to do is shop! We’ve got the Hickory Chair Furniture pieces you’re bound to fall in love with and it all comes with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Styling Hickory Chair Furniture

From stunning wingback chairs with opulent upholstery, to timeless traditional and Queen Anne style tables and dining chairs, you’re sure to find something delightful among High End Used Furniture’s selection of Hickory Chair Furniture Company products. Whether you’re looking for that perfect set of dining chairs to complete your formal dining room or you simply want an elegant end table to elevate your living room—Hickory Chair gives a welcome gravitas to any existing decor.

High end used furniture

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