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About Hekman

Hekman Furniture

Hekman Furniture is an American brand still in operation today. In 1922 the company was founded by three brothers; Jelle, Henry, and John Hekman. They went into business with their friend who was an experienced engineer and their first line was 30 occasional tables. They grew to offer more occasional furniture for the whole home. Like other businesses during the time, Hekman’s resources were turned to making glider bottoms and ammunition boxes for the armed forces during World War II. Once the war was over, they went back to furniture and continued to grow and expand their line until it encompassed a wide variety of furniture styles.

Buy Used Hekman Furniture Online

When you buy used Hekman Furniture online from High End Used Furniture, you’re doing yourself and the world a favor! Everyone agrees that shopping for used items versus buying new is a more sustainable way to shop—it’s also the only way to find genuine vintage Hekman Furniture. We take out the guesswork of wondering whether your furniture find is an authentic Hekman piece and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee that’s sure to please.

Styling Hekman Furniture

Hekman Furniture brand has mastered the beauty of the more traditional styles for furniture. Cabriole legs and burled wood patterns create a feast for the eyes. Their vintage pieces hold a special charm whether they’re in the style of a more rustic French Country home or the elegant scrolls of Italian style. Hekman pieces will add a touch of sophistication to any room, and guests are sure to question where you’ve acquired such a unique and beautiful piece of furniture.

High end used furniture

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