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Game & Poker Chairs

About Davis Cabinet

Davis Cabinet Company

“Quality. Quality furniture, made of solid wood. To be sold at a marketable price. This is what I meant the name Davis Cabinet Company to stand for.” These are the words of Lipscomb Davis, Sr., who began the company back in 1929. Lipscomb engineered a new way of building solid wood furniture which utilized a free floating construction to protect the furniture from the expanding and contracting that is natural to wood. Vintage Davis Cabinet Company pieces are a particularly important find for enthusiasts and collectors because of the hardship the company had to overcome in its early years. First was a massive flood that left equipment in disrepair. Then the stock market crashed in October 1929, throwing the world into the Great Depression through which Lipscomb somehow kept his young company in business. Through World War II they turned their resources to manufacturing gun stocks for the army. Through all of this adversity, it’s a testament to the fine quality of their furniture that Davis Cabinet Company survives to this day.

Buy Davis Cabinet Online

Finding vintage Davis Cabinet pieces is no easy feat because of the many problems the company went through in their earliest years. You can save your time and the hassle by buying gently used Davis Cabinet furniture online from High End Used Furniture! We have a broad selection of pieces that have been verified authentic by our curators. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Find the dining chairs, dresser, end table, or dining table of your dreams.

Styling Your Davis Cabinet Furniture

Davis Cabinet Company furniture offers a plethora of styles to choose from: English and American traditional; European-inspired Italian, Spanish Mediterranean, and French styles; Country and Rustic; Shabby Chic; and Mid-Century Modern and Contemporary. The collections we find are varied and always tasteful; Lillian Russell and Collector’s Cherry come with a distinctive leaf design made in solid cherry wood. We find oak Country in a beautiful medium brown Richwood oak finish. Others include Weathered Oak, Antique Walnut, Adriano Cherry, Calais Cherry, and Provence Cherry Collections, as well as Southwark (Old World Finish) and Umberwood. There’s really no wrong way to style such a robust selection of pieces!

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