Heart Matters…

Four years ago…
Four years ago, our Founder, my father, unexpectedly passed away from cardiac arrest. As a company, HEUF has been transparent about this story. Not for pity, but as a means to gather in strength with our customers, and those who find us, whose lives have been affected, touched, or changed by heart disease.
Every 36 seconds, one person passes away from cardiovascular disease in the United States.
Every 36 seconds, a family’s story changes.
Every 36 seconds, family and friends are scared, in disbelief, and at a loss for words.
This matters. You matter.
HEUF stands by you, and we want to help where we can.
10% of company profits for HEUF, from the month of May 2021, will be gifted to the American Heart Association.
For more information about this great organization, visit www.heart.org
God Bless,
Derek Brewster