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Used Asian Chinosierie Furniture

Asian Chinosierie

About Asian-Inspired Chinoiserie

Asian-Inspired Chinoiserie

A legacy of Asian design meets Europe: Chinoiserie is the European interpretation on classic Chinese and other eastern Asian artistic traditions. The height of popularity was in the mid-1700s. The term comes for the French word for Chinese. It must be emphasized that Chinoiserie is NOT an Asian style of furniture. It is a European style that is simply based on Asian art influences. The style was highly regarded and decorated the palaces of Louis XV of France and King George IV of England.

Major Style Points

An ancient Chinese myth called the foo dog, which is represented as a lion, has been a focal point among Chinoiserie decor. Expect also to see shapes that mimic pagodas, nature scenes and patterns, and dragons. Chinoiserie furniture often features black lacquered wood and faux bamboo with gold filigree and inlays. Nature even finds its way into the carving of the furniture itself. Colors that complement the Chinoiserie style include teal, blue, pink, and green—colors that are found abundantly in nature. They also utilize asymmetrical forms and the blue and white motifs common to beloved Chinese porcelain.

Chinoiserie in Your Home

The Asian-inspired Chinoiserie style is often considered quite whimsical and fun when compared to the more subtle traditional furniture or the utilitarian designs of modern and contemporary styles. Interestingly, there is an intersection between the Chippendale style and the Chinoiserie style, as Thomas Chippendale himself was a huge fan of the Chinoiserie designs. The intricate and beautiful Chinoiserie designs complement other traditional European styles incredibly well, so we have a variety of brands that offer Chinoiserie pieces. Those designers include:

  • Thomasville Furniture
  • Lane Furniture
  • Dixie Furniture
  • Bernhardt Furniture
  • Gordon’s Furniture
  • Century Furniture
  • Davis Cabinet
  • And more!

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